Great Barrier Reef Adventure

Save The Reef: Read A Book?

Marine biologist and artist, Dr Susan Pillans has created a children's book in hope to inspire school kids to save The Great Barrier Reef.

After back to back coral bleaching's, cyclones and rising temperatures, The Great Barrier Reef has suffered severe damage over the past few years.

Dr Pillans is hoping her book; The Great Barrier Reef Thief will encourage children to care about the reef and take action to protect it for the future.

"I don't think it's too late, but we have to start now. We can't keep saying 'tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow'," Dr Pillans said.

Written from the perspective of a "feisty female fish" who realises her home is changing and the colours of the reef are disappearing, the key message of The Great Barrier Reef Thief is that greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut immediately to ensure the reefs survival.

"There are ways to save energy (such as turning off lights, walking instead of driving) and help the planet which will then help the reef," said Dr Pillans.

Dr Pillans has spent the last six years writing the story, making sure it conveyed the appropriate message and would spark change within her young audience.

"It's not as easy as people think. You have to make sure, when you are an author/illustrator, the words and pictures have to be as one," she said.

"There has to be highs and lows and resolution and problems.

"All that has to be there in a big adventure to keep children's attention.

The book contains many educational resources, fascinating facts and beautiful illustrations that are sure to inspire.

"In the end my story is all about cooling down the oceans and how the fish all together find the thief and bring the colour back to the reef," Dr Pillans said.

The Great Barrier Reef Thief is suitable for all ages, and is targeted at children aged 4-10.

(13th December 2018)