
North Queensland Restaurants Celebrated in Delicious 100 List

Port Douglas is a popular holiday destination known for its wonderful weather and beautiful beaches, however the Far North Queensland hot spot is also known for its fantastic food. The gourmet and gastronomic delights on offer in the beachside hideaway are arguably one of the most desirable Port Douglas attractions, a theory that may have just been proved by Delicious magazine.

The foodie publication has just released its list of the top 100 restaurants in Australia and three of Port Douglas' best-loved eateries were among them. Nu Nu, Harrisons and Bistro H were all ranked in the Delicious list, confirming that some of the best restaurants in the country can be found in Queensland's far north.

Nu Nu chef Nick Holloway credits the community with the success of the restaurant and the ability to connect with local produce.
"I moved away from Melbourne to start the restaurant and the fact that I could engage on a personal level with local suppliers was one of the reasons I came here. We live in the best part of the world, I'm convinced of that. It's through creating community relationships that we can create our dishes. It's about taking away the middlemen and having more personal relationships and making our food more beautiful and more community based" he said.

Tourism Tropical North Queensland chair and appointed director Wendy Morris said that making the list was something worth celebrating, particularly as it put local restaurants on a nation-wide map.

"Food is really important to our travel sector and it is becoming an integral part of travel everywhere. Having our restaurants named in the Delicious 100 really showcases how important our restaurants here are. We are very discerning as a community and it shows in our great range of restaurants" she said.

(6th December 2017)