Panoramic Sydney Tour

Sydney Trains To Receive $880 Million Upgrade

The New South Wales train network will receive an $880 million investment that will digitise the train signal system and allow more trains onto the network.

By the year 2020, all lines in the Sydney network will receive upgrades that have the ability to significantly increase efficiency and run trains every 90 seconds.

Sydney Trains chief executive Howard Collins described the upgrade as just significant as the invention of the double-decker train.

Further, he stated that the implementation of signal technology will prepare the rail network for "the next generation."

"It ensures we have the opportunity to grow the network for the next 50,60 to 100 years because it frees up this restriction on the number of signals we've got and the way this network has operated.

"This technology has been proven," he said.

"In London we improved the capacity by 30 per cent when we saw a population explosion there, and here in Sydney we're seeing the same growth.

"I've seen other networks where there's two and a half minutes between trains, with this technology in some countries you have a train every 90 seconds — we might not need that yet, but we have this opportunity to use this technology in the future," Mr Collins said.

The NSW Government has stated that the first roll-out of technology will add eight more services an hour to the T8 Airport Line at the International, Domestic, Green Square and Mascot stations.

This upgrade will allow trains to run every four minutes on average instead of every six.

Recently, the Sydney network has been disrupted with hundreds of delays as the population continues to surge, putting existing infrastructure under pressure.

Ultimately the signal technology will increase the number of trains available, providing Sydneysiders with a much easier commute, and significantly less delays.

(23rd October 2018)