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Lookout at Hill Inlet

Weather the weather in the Whitsundays

As winter descends on the southern hemisphere, much of Australia is feeling the freeze as the cooler weather takes hold, particularly in the southern states. With expendable income just as frozen as the morning dew, holiday makers are searching for an affordable way to combat the lowering temperatures with sunny days, warmer climes and blue skies. Setting their sights on domestic holidays rather than more expensive overseas destinations, travellers are looking forward to warmer escapes with prices as low as the temperatures back home.

The Whitsundays are just such an affordable option thanks to its sub-tropical climate, where you can weather the winter weather in this iconically beautiful north Queensland holiday hotspot. Whitsundays weather is known for featuring only 2 distinct seasons, summer and winter. Sharing the same tropical latitude as Honolulu in the northern hemisphere and Mauritius in the south, it's no surprise that even the winter weather isn't exactly the cold and dreary days we experience in other, more southerly parts of Australia.

Whitsundays weather enjoys a warm, tropical climate year round, including in winter. From May to September, winter temperatures generally average a pleasant 24 to 25 degrees Celsius, only dropping to around 18 degrees Celsius overnight. Although summer is even warmer, with top temperatures of around 30 degrees Celsius, this is also the wet season, when the highest rainfall is recorded and brief but frequent tropical showers dominate conditions.

The higher average temperatures of the Whitsundays make it the perfect place to enjoy a beachside holiday. With water sports, swimming and visits to the Great Barrier Reef able to enjoyed year round, winter is the perfect time to escape the cold and enjoy the warm sunshine of the Whitsundays. Leave the winter woollies at home and swap coats and scarves for a swimming cossie and a snorkel in the Whitsundays.

(16th May 2014)