
Whitsundays Wedding Vendors Shine

The Australian Bridal Industry Academy have announced the finalists in their twentieth annual Queensland Bridal Industry Awards. This year nine Whitsundays vendors have been nominated.

Competing across 35 award categories, 340 finalists are contending with vendors across the state for places reviewed by the 7,382 couples who tied the knot in the last year.

Finalists are determined by star ratings that review service and product quality, value for money and attitude of staff. Finalists must have achieved an average rating of at least 95 percent in order to be considered.

Cinematographers Kate Tulett and Pablo Hauber Six are Whitsundays video production finalists and were pleased to see the Whitsundays region receive such recognition.

"The Whitsundays is a dream wedding destination for the couples who get married here - some of them are locals but a lot of them are from interstate and overseas and to see so many local suppliers nominated from such a big group of people is a credit to our region,” Ms. Tulett said.

“We find couples really love working with another couple,

“One of our favourite parts of our jobs is filming weddings and I think that really reflects in our finished product,” she said.
Finalist Jess Lawrence, from The Wedding Planners Whitsundays, expressed her delight at the number of local vendors to receive nominations.

"We have been saying for years we have some of the best wedding vendors in Australia and now it's getting out there and recognised by everyone else," Ms Lawrence said.

"These awards really cement that because it is not a popularity contest, you are reviewed by actual couples and for us to do so well in such a big competitive market really reiterates the amazing quality product we provide.

"Nominations helps drive local business and show that when put together they can achieve really achieve great things which reflects well on the region as a whole."

Awards will be announced later this month at a Gala Dinner in Victoria Park.

(16th May 2018)