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You Can Now Own An Entire Island For The Same Price As A Brisbane Home

Located in the stunning Whitsundays, Poole Island is being sold for the first time in over 40 years for the same price you would pay for a family home in Brisbane.

The 20ha island has been placed on the market for a price of $1.2 million. While that may seem expensive to the average person, if you compare current property prices around Australia, you've got yourself a bargain.

For example, a one-bedroom apartment in Sydney will cost an average of $1.6 million, and a three-bedroom apartment in Melbourne will set you back $1.15 million.

So, when you think about it, $1.2 million isn't a whole lot for an entire island set amongst the World Heritage Listed Great Barrier Reef.

Since putting Poole Island on the market 3 days ago, the owner has received over 1000 inquiries.

Australian Islands island and resort specialist Richard Vanhoff said the property had once operated as a storage facility for frozen meat, so that it could be distributed internationally. Its deep-water access allowed large ships to dock, collect the meet and distribute it world-wide.

"It was quite a substantial operation on the island and it was very exciting," Mr Vanhoff said.

In recent years Poole Island has been used as a home for the 93-year-old owner, and his family.

"It's a place where he brought up his children for holidays and it's just a family island," Mr Vanhoff said.

"They [now] live in Melbourne and the kids no longer want to trek that far to the island, which is often the case with islands, it's the kids that end up determining whether they keep them or they move on.

"Being in his nineties, he has enough, he's going to hang around Melbourne and live out his years there I guess."

As well as the incredible location surrounded by dazzling blue waters, Pool Islands also features two homes, a shed, an aircraft runway and rock swimming pool.

Those who are interested in buying, can inspect the island this Sunday, October 21 and Tuesday, October 23.

(19th October 2018)