Don't Lose Precious Holiday Time Due To Illness

28th Aug 2012 Travel Tips

This year's flu season has been a particularly bad one and if you had any plans to travel, getting sick either before you leave or while you are away may impact you more than you realise. Apart from impacting on your mood and the fun you had planned while you were away, there can be more serious results than just feeling under the weather. In fact, new research from travel medicine specialists Travelvax shows that almost 20 per cent of the three million Australians who travel each year will lose precious holiday time due to illness.

Of course there are a number of precautions you can take both before you leave on holidays and while you're travelling to minimise the chances of getting sick. Vaccinations are available depending on your destination and being vigilant with hygiene can lesson your chances of falling ill. It's a good idea to check with your GP about what options are available to you at least six weeks before you're due to depart as some vaccinations require an initial shot as well as follow up boosters.

Regularly washing your hands or carrying hand sanitiser will also minimise the chances of contracting something while you're away as during travel you often come into contact with high traffic public areas that are known breeding grounds for germs including airplanes, buses, trains and taxis. Of course if you're already on medication or being treated for an existing condition it's wise to carry extra medication with you and a letter from your doctor to ensure vital medication is not confiscated from you and that you won't run out if it is not available where you are going.

However, the best way to protect against losing your quality holiday time is to take out travel insurance before you leave. Despite all your precautions, unfortunately sickness can sometimes happen and it if it negatively impacts your holiday or travel arrangements in a major way, then you can enjoy peace of mind that you are not only covered for all eventualities but will also be reimbursed for parts of your travel costs that are affected by your illness.

Don't risk it. If you can't afford travel insurance you can't afford to travel.