How Australians Justify Their Holidays

TravelOnline surveyed 10,000 Australian travellers about how they justify their travelling priorities. By looking at the connections between work, family, finance, consumer behaviour and travel, we were able to gain a better understanding of our customers holiday habits. We know that Aussies love to travel and our survey found that 64.7% of people feel happier for taking holidays. However, we also found that Aussies are reluctant to use all of their annual leave and many experience guilt when requesting time off work. Why is this and where does this guilt come from? Read on to discover the fascinating insights.

Balancing Work & Travel

How People Balance Work & Travel Stats - Travel Online
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We know that not taking enough holidays can negatively impact our mental health and general wellbeing. Work is a natural part of life, but it is also a challenge to find the best way to manage our need to balance work with pleasure. In a recent survey, found that 59.8% of people experience increased levels of stress when not taking enough holidays. Additionally, 66.5% of people fail to use all of their annual leave. Between meetings, deadlines, schedules and balancing a social life, planning a holiday can seem like the last thing on our mind, yet, we long for days spent by the sea with a cocktail in hand. So how do we balance our holiday dreams with work responsibilities? Read our survey results to find out more.

Related Articles:
- 66.5% Of Aussies Aren't Using Their Annual Leave
- How To Combat The Post-Holiday Blues

What Motivates People to Travel (Or Not)

What Motivates People to Travel Stats - Travel Online
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We all think we know the reasons why we love to travel but are there some untold truths about Australians' true motivations when it comes to travelling? It might be even more revealing to discover why they decide not to. We asked our customers what influences them to travel and the results are interesting. Our survey shows that 39% of Australian workers don't feel they deserve a holiday. Additionally, the pressure from family, friends, school and work commitments makes it difficult for Aussies to convince themselves that their holiday is well earned. 65.8% of people also experience guilt when requesting time off work, and some even resent their co-workers for taking holidays. Do you experience similar holiday guilt? Compare your answers to our survey results.

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- Co-workers Affect Holiday Plans [65% of Aussies Agree]

Holidays With Kids: How Children Impact Travel Preferences

Holidays With Kids Stats - Travel Online
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Here at TravelOnline, we love helping families plan their dream holidays. We especially love that for kids, a holiday no matter how big or small, is always a grand adventure. That said, holidaying with the kids can be tricky business. Flights, accommodation, schedules, activities and entertainment can make holiday planning daunting, not to mention expensive. We asked our globetrotting travel community to help us understand how they like to holiday and the results are in! We found that 68% of respondents claim they travel without their kids some or all of the time and 12% say that travelling as a family is difficult because of the cost. Want to see how you compare to other Aussie families? Read our related articles to find out.

Related Articles:
- Guilt Free Parenting: Is it OK to Travel Without the Kids
- Peak Season, School Holidays or The Off-Season, When is the Best Time to Travel?

Why Travel is Important: Cost vs Value

Why Travel is Important Stats - Travel Online
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We all need to escape everyday life once in a while and its proven that holidays are beneficial for our health. In a recent survey, TravelOnline found that 66% of Aussies return to work after a holiday feeling refreshed and energised. Taking time off work is critical to refresh and recharge, but sometimes we need some extra convincing to justify the cost vs value of taking a holiday. When you start adding up the costs of flights, accommodation, travel insurance and spending money, it can be easy to wonder if the holiday is really worth it. We asked our customers how they justify the cost of taking a holiday and how they convince their family, friends, boss and even themselves that they need it. Additionally, we looked at how not taking enough holidays can impact our health and well being. Take a look at the results in our infographic.

Related Articles:
- Overseas Vacays Perfect For A Long Weekend
- Why Do Aussies Really Take Holidays?
- How Holidays Benefit Our Health & Well-being
- Healthy Holidays: The Growing Trend Of Wellness Tourism

How People Behave & Make Decisions on Holiday

How People Behave & Make Decisions on Holiday Stats - Travel Online
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Taking a holiday is a great way to switch off, de-stress and unwind from the routine of everyday life. Discussing our holiday experience with others is a natural part of the process, but do we ever take it too far? Our survey shows that 49% of people are affected by others holiday bragging. We asked our audience what influences their holiday behaviour and decision making and if they are guilty of holiday bragging. Do we brag without even realising? How does social media influence our holiday behaviours? Additionally, we're discussing how factors such as weather, pricing, lifestyle and marketing affect our holiday decisions. Find out what Aussies think..

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- Co-workers Affect Holiday Plans [65% of Aussies Agree]

To view the full How Do Australians Justify Their Holidays Infographic, click here.