Top 10 Tips for Sleeping on a Plane

18th Nov 2013 Travel Tips

Whether you spent a big weekend in another state or have a long haul flight stretching out before you, getting some sleep on the plane sounds like a brilliant idea. That is until you actually try to fall asleep. Between cranky babies, chatty passengers and the sound of the engines, falling asleep on the plane can seem like a lost cause.

Plane manufacturer Airbus recently suggested that simply adding one extra inch to the size of the seats could help alleviate the sleep deprivation that many passengers feel on-board aircraft. We're not sure if a measly extra inch of room would do the trick, however we've got some tricks of our own to help you drift off during your flight.

We present to you our Top 10 Tips for Sleeping on a Plane, brought to you by many a frustrated trip and tried and tested method during our worldly adventures.

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1. Here's To Sleep: Half the fun of flying are the little mini bottles of wine and little plastic cups of beer and spirits. We're not suggesting you get trolleyed, but a little drink or two can help you relax and drift off. Besides, you are on holidays after all!

2. A Bedtime Story: Reading a good book can help to clear your mind, relax and tune out everyone else around you. Of course, a bad book could be just as effective at putting you to sleep. Whatever works, right?

3. Head For The Hills: Try for a seat up the back if you can, these seats are away from the bulkheads and therefore much quieter. In most cases, these seats are also a little roomier so if you're lucky you'll have more space to stretch out and get comfy.

4. Set The Mood: Travel prepared with a neck pillow, eye mask and ear plugs (silicone are best) to help minimise disturbances such as light and noise and create the right atmosphere for relaxing, getting comfortable and hopefully, falling asleep.

5. Pyjama Party: Make use of the on-board facilities and slip into something a little more comfortable such as loose clothing, track pants or even your actual PJs to feel your most comfortable. Even just being in your PJs can trick your body.

6. Stay Warm: They don't give you those little blankies for nothing, make use of them to keep warm once you're in the sky and that air con is pumping. It doesn't hurt to be prepared with your own little blanket, jacket or pashmina for that extra level of cosy.

7. Seat With A View: Ask for a window seat, that way you not only have something to lean on but you won't be disturbed by fellow passengers climbing over you every time someone needs to visit the bathroom.

8. Do Not Disturb: Turn on your do not disturb sign so that airline staff know not to wake you. You can also specify to only be woken for meals if you're having them. You will be woken when it's time to land, however we'll be impressed if you're able to sleep that long.

9. Shower: It may sound strange but if you have lounge access before your flight, a warm shower can be really relaxing and help to settle you down for sleep. It will also help with relaxing your muscles which will make the hours in your seat much more comfortable.

10. Exercise: We left this one til last because we know it won't be your favourite. Don't worry it's not ours either, but it is actually a great way of tiring yourself out before your flight. If you are going to use this method, we suggest you do it before the tip above.