Weird And Wonderful Facts About Bali

Children in Balinese Costume

Planning your first Bali escape and looking for a little insight into the stunning tropical island? Here we’ve collated some of the most weird and wonderful facts about magical Bali.

Seriously Pricey Coffee

Costing upwards of $50 per cup, Bali's Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world! The Kopi Luwak aka, cat poop coffee (yes, you read that right) is collected from the droppings of a wild civat cat. The animal swallows the coffee bean where it is then fermented in the intestines and passed with other fecal matter to create a unique and delicious coffee flavour. We know it sounds gross but trust us... this stuff is seriously good.

Silence Is Golden

Better known as the national day of silence, Nyepi Day celebrates the Balinese New Year with a whole day of peace and quiet. That means no work, no travel, no electricity and certainly no talking! Balinese residents spend the entire day indoors mediating and self-reflecting on the past year. Tourists visiting Bali during this time are also forbidden to leave their hotel and no one is allowed onto the streets. The International Airport also shuts down on Nyepi Day, (07/03/19) so keep this in mind when booking your travel dates.

Yoga & Meditation program

Two Seasons But No Winter

Bali essentially has two seasons, the dry season and the wet season. The dry season occurs from May to October where the temperatures are warm yet mild and the skies are clear and sunny. The dry season is also the most popular time to visit, with peak season occurring through July and August. Alternatively, the wet season occurs from November to April where tropical monsoons bring high levels of humidity and rainfall. Winter doesn't really exist in Bali as it's tropical climate maintains year round warm temperatures at a balmy 24 °C to 30 °C.

Beachside Sun Lounger

Black Sand Beach

Thanks to Bali's rich volcanic landscape, the island is home to a stunning collection of black sand beaches on the north-western coastline. Renowned as one of Bali's most popular tourist attractions, the the dark grains of volcanic sand contrasted against the azure blue crashing waves make for a stunning spectacle.

Plenty Of Fish In The Sea

Did you know that the waters surrounding Bali are home to around 3,000 different species of fish? That’s double the amount of species found in Australia's, Great Barrier Reef!

Blog - Generic - Diving

Holy Baby!

Up until the age of 3 months, Balinese babies are carried everywhere. Cultural traditions prohibit them from touching the ground for the first 105 days of their life as they are considered too holy for earth. After 3 months, an elaborate ceremony is held to signify the babies coming into the world, and they are then allowed to touch the ground.

Got any weird and wonderful facts about Bali that we haven't mentioned? Leave them in the comments below!

About The Author

Brittany Balcomb

Brittany Balcomb

• Digital Content Writer • 26 Countries Visited • 3yrs Industry Experience

Travel addict and brunch enthusiast, Brittany Balcomb brings her creative flair and incurable case of wanderlust to the TravelOnline team in her role as a Digital Content Writer. Lover of adventure holidays and beachside escapes, Brittany enjoys weekend road trips to the coast and exploring destinations off the beaten track.