What Do Aussies Love About Flying? More Than You Think Apparently

Plane Aisle

It’s usually the part of the holiday that people look forward to the least. It can be long, uncomfortable and exhausting but in most cases, it’s also mandatory. It’s the journey that must be taken in order to get to the journey we really want to take. Flying typically has a bad reputation, but the truth is that it’s not all bad. Although many people still dislike the idea of boarding a plane, apparently there are actually people who look forward to some of the aspects of flying. Huh?

Recent research conducted by Australia’s largest comparison website finder.com.au has revealed that the majority of Australians (well, 17 per cent) love flying because it gives them a unique perspective on the world and looking out the window gives them a bird’s eye view.

Out of the 2,005 people surveyed, around seven per cent said they also liked being able to disconnect from things during a flight. Luckily, if you’re not one of those people many airlines including Virgin Australia and Qantas are now offering in-flight WiFi. Still, for most people it’s nice to have a break from checking emails and social media.

Woman on Plane

11 per cent of Aussies surveyed said the reason they like flying is because they get to watch TV shows and movies for hours. It seems having time to kill on a flight is a nice way to kick back and binge on all your favourite shows without the guilt.

Five per cent of respondents said that they enjoyed the free alcohol, while others listed earning frequent flyer points, hanging out in business lounges and eating plane food as things they enjoyed about flying. Unsurprisingly, most of us just do it because we have to, with 36 per cent of Aussies saying they endure it only because they have to while nine per cent said they hate absolutely every aspect of flying.

Do you enjoy anything about flying or is getting off the plane what you enjoy most?